Debbie Watson, Simon Poulter, Sophie Mellor and Marilyn Howard reflect on their ‘Life Chances’ : the project co-development of a fictional novel with community participants. ‘Life Chances’, a phrase first used by Marxist sociologist Max Weber, has been appropriated by recent British governments. Whilst Weber’s definition of Life Chances is directly correlated to socio-economic factors, the current Conservative government’s definition adds a […]
Author Archive | sgiullari
Light Moves and Graphic Moves at the Global Girls event, 13 May, Manchester, 2016
This event offers critical reflections on gender and girlhood in a global context. It will explore how research on global experiences of girlhood, and the fuzzy distinctions between sex, bodies and gender, can translate into practice. It brings together an interdisciplinary team of leading researchers, activists and community organizers who share an interest in how […]

Bristol’s Inspiring Muslim Women
On the 29th October 2015, the research team organised an event at the Watershed Bristol that was attended by a public, community and academic audience. We screened a premier viewing of ‘What do you see?’, a short film that gives insight into Bristol Muslim women’s visions of the public spaces of the future, including City Hall, […]

Enhancing Muslim Women’s Participation
A team of researchers from the University of Bristol collaborated with a steering group of Muslim women from Bristol to develop an interactive skill development tool that can contribute to enhancing spaces of Muslim women’s participation. A workshop template resulted from this collaboration, and was refined after a series of 8 pilot workshops was held […]

Merthyr Moves – using the creative power of art to illuminate place
The art works speak back to those who dare to tell us, the people of Merthyr, who we are and who we can become. We invite you to an evening of performance, film and exhibitions at two of Merthyr’s finest town centre venues. We begin at 6 pm at Theatre Soar for memo… mono…move: a journey through […]

‘Graphic Moves’ in Newport (June 5-28)
The event is part of a series of exhibitions co-produced by young people and the artists. At this event, young artists from Merthyr have created exhibition pieces about their relationship with their town and landscape. Productive Margins
‘Graphic Moves’ in Merthyr (June 16-29)
From Tuesday June 16 – Monday June 29, The Red House in Merthyr will house ‘Graphic Moves’, an exhibition of film, sculpture, and sound created by young artists from Merthyr Tydfil. Graphic Moves is part of the Productive Margins programme. The event is part of a series of exhibitions co-produced by young people and the artists. At this event, young artists […]

Productive Margins at the Connected Communities Festival 2015
In June 2015 Productive Margins was funded by the Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) to run activities in the national Connected Communities Festival fortnight providing the programme with an opportunity to explore creative ways to widen and deepen community engagement. Each of the research projects ran an event co-produced between the researchers and the community […]

‘Graphic Moves’ in Cardiff (May 1-3)
The event at Abacus is the first of a series of exhibitions co-produced by young people and the artists. At this event, young artists from Merthyr have created exhibition pieces about their relationship with their town and landscape. Productive Margins

Paper City-Muslim engagement in Bristol
Our work with the artists Davis & Jones in creating Paper City was one way of giving tangible form to those ideas and visions. Davis & Jones make artworks through occasions, dialogues and relationships; working with people and places to explore how we connect. Over the three days in the run up to the event, they […]