Light Moves and Graphic Moves at the Global Girls event, 13 May, Manchester, 2016

This event offers critical reflections on gender and girlhood in a global context. It will explore how research on global experiences of girlhood, and the fuzzy distinctions between sex, bodies and gender, can translate into practice.  It brings together an interdisciplinary team of leading researchers, activists and community organizers who share an interest in how being a girl and a woman is constructed across spaces, places and cultures. There will be discussions on shared experiences of girlhood in a global context, on growing up, conformity, state policies and social practices. The day will consist of a series of brief talks, short film screenings and discussions, plus posters from local schools, students and other organisations.

Film Screenings: Two short films Light Moves and Graphic Moves – made by young people from an ex-mining town in South Wales as part of Productive Margins research program.  Event link

Productive Margins, University of Bristol
8-10 Berkeley Square, Bristol, BS8 1HH

Tel: +44 (0)117 3940042
