Life Chances reveals some of the struggles families are facing in austerity Britain. The new novel, which uses fictional characters based on the experiences of real people who are recent migrants or living on the breadline in inner city Britain, is published today Tuesday 20th February. The novel tracks the journey of an aspirant journalist as […]
Too many takeaways?
Within the Food project Somali women from the Easton area of Bristol did work around the proliferation of fast food outlets within their community. The policy briefing Too many takeaways? How the food environment affects the health and wellbeing of communities is now available.

Feasting on our research
In July 2016 the Food Project working group organised a ‘Research Feast’ to showcase and build on the work that we’ve been doing exploring the regulation of food habits. The evening event was part of the Connected Communities Festival 2016 and focused on sharing the key findings of the project with a wider audience, as well as […]
Somali Kitchen cooks up healthy fast food for Easton
The pop-up Somali Kitchen event was led by a group of mums, all members of SPAN (Single Parent Action Network), keen to promote healthy alternatives to the fast food on offer at the dozens of takeaways in the area, while discussing food-related issues and celebrating Somali food and culture. The event evolved out of collaborative research project Productive […]

Productive Margins at Utopia Fair
In June 2016 Productive Margins projects joined projects from across the country at the Utopia Fair. Presented in partnership with the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and the Connected Communities programme, the Utopia Fair at Somerset House showcased the creative outcomes from 25 AHRC-funded projects alongside 10 additional projects that had been hand-selected by […]
Bristol Big Sisters on Tour in and around Bristol
Bristol Big Sisters was developed within the project ‘Muslim Engagement in Bristol’ and was created in collaboration with the Muslim Women’s Network UK. The display celebrates Muslim women role models from Bristol and invites others to follow their lead. The exhibit features over 20 inspiring Muslim women including the project steering group, as well as magistrate […]
Somali Kitchen, Junction 3 Easton
FREE event at the pop-up Shed on Wheels, outside Junction 3 library, Easton. Drop by anytime between 2pm-6pm on Monday 18th July. Come along to this free, pop-up event to celebrate and learn more about Somali food and culture. Taste delicious, healthy home-cooked Somalian food Drink traditional Somalian tea, coffee & juice Share your views […]
Taste of Knowle West
Do you love to cook, bake, make or grow your own? We’re on the look-out for the best food and drink Knowle West has to offer! You can find us at Inns Court on Tuesday 12th July (11am-6pm) and Filwood Broadway on Friday 15th July (11am-6pm), when we’ll be out with the pop-up Shed on […]
Alonely, Utopia Festival, Somerset House London
Life chances launches a novel, jewellery and a Policy Briefing
Life Chances project ‘Life Chances’ is a widely-used phrase, adopted by governments to headline their policies relating to children and poverty. But few realise that the term was coined by sociologist Max Weber to refer to socioeconomic disadvantage; the current government uses it in a very different way, placing responsibility on individuals and ‘society’ rather […]