A team of researchers from the University of Bristol collaborated with a steering group of Muslim women from Bristol to develop an interactive skill development tool that can contribute to enhancing spaces of Muslim women’s participation. A workshop template resulted from this collaboration, and was refined after a series of 8 pilot workshops was held in autumn 2014 in Bristol.
Following the success of this pilot series of workshops and the publication of a policy brief that outlines the main research findings from the workshops, a further series of workshops is planned for March, April and May 2015. During this period, the steering group members Tasleem Kaurser and Sadia Rana are seconded into Bristol Muslim Cultural Society and the Single Parent Action Network. They will invite Muslim women across all age groups to take part in a series of workshop called ‘Recognising your potential’.
In response to expressions of interest from schools and statutory and community organisations, the workshop template is now available for download here: WORKSHOP TEMPLATE. During the workshop, women explore examples of Muslim women pioneers who shaped public and social life in the UK and revisit film excerpts from the ‘Inspiring Muslim Women’ event that was held in September 2014 at the University of Bristol. The workshop also draws on role model resources that were prepared in collaboration with the Muslim Women’s Network UK. which facilitate an exchange on the influential role of Muslim women in history and in contemporary politics, media, sports, as well as arts and sciences.
If you are interested in holding a workshop based on this template elsewhere in the UK, and would like to obtain the supporting role model resources (film excerpts, role model cards and invitation templates), please get in touch with Dr. Aleksandra Lewicki (Aleksandra.Lewicki@bristol.ac.uk) or Dr. Therese O’Toole (Therese.OToole@bristol.ac.uk).